Sunday 30 March 2014

Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village

We are now at Warrnambool for a few days. We went to the laser and light show called Shipwrecked; it was wonderful.

Jacob and I standing in front of a replica model of the famous Loch Ard ship at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village.

The is the famous Loch Ard Peacock made in 1873 which survived the shipwreck. It was bound for the Melbourne Exhibition in 1880 to celebrate the opening of the Royal Exhibition building. It got there 100 years later.

This is part of the village which has been restored.

Jacob trying out the antique scales.

This was the shipwright building in the village.

Upstairs there was a sewing machine which was used to make the ships sails.

Jacob had a try on the machine too.

This is where they made the ropes and pulleys.

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