My Collections

My Room

Here is a part of some of the things I enjoy collecting, on display in my room. There is a variety of interesting things, some I have found myself, others have been given to me and some I have bought. My collections consist of fossils, bones and skeletons, bird nests and feathers, insects and hives, rocks and gum nuts, corals and shells.

This is a close up of a couple of bird skulls, insects and insect hives I have in my collection. The insect homes I found are from different places I have lived at over the years. One is a fossilised nest of some kind I bought from the museum.

These are some of my favourite items, a Trilobite fossil and Megalodon Shark tooth. There is also a Port Jackson Shark egg casing I found at Batemans Bay; the spiral one. The shark twists it into the rocks with her mouth. The other casing belongs to a Cat Shark which was found at the beach when I lived in Point Lonsdale, Victoria.

This is the other side of my room showing my things. It has items from the beach, most I have found myself.

I think the Turtle shell is very interesting, it’s a Snapping Turtle shell. The crab claw and Balmain Bug I found on the beach, along with the fish skull from Rainbow Beach in Queensland.

More items from the beach, quite a few different corals I found. I bought the special Horseshoe Crab shell. My favourite is the Turtle skull, which was a gift.


This is my Egyptian collection set up in our reading room. This was inspired after I visited the Egyptian display at the Nicholson Museum in Sydney. Click here to see the post from the visit to the Nicholson Museum.

 This is the collection of Egyptian items we found second hand and hand made, along with my favourite Egyptian books.

The sarcophagus we made and the Flail and Crook. Jacob can actually fit inside.


 This is the mummy and organs we made for the sarcophagus; the organs were made using polymer clay. The mummy’s stomach is a cavity, which allows us to put in and remove organs. I can’t believe this all started with just one skull and developed from there.


My Mum put this together for homeschooling. She borrowed them from my room. It is an assortment of reptilian items, comprising specimens of turtles, lizards and snakes.

We were given some fossilised Tortoise spurs and this beautiful soft shell Turtle.

Jacob loves to look and touch all the nature things. His favourites items are the Crocodile skull, Alligator teeth and a coprolite crocodile scats. He has enjoyed these things from a very young age and he is always gentle with them.

One of my favourite things is a Snake egg shell and a great big piece of maulted skin from a Shingleback lizard.

Nature Collections

A collection of interesting nature items.


  1. Hi Joshua, WOW what an impressive collection you have. it must be so much fun building a collection like that.

    1. Hello,

      I’m glad you liked my collection. Yes, it is fun collecting.

      From Joshua

  2. Joshua you never cease to amaze me you are so interesting to listen to and your collection is so inform able. You are my hero. Professor Joshua Belton. Love you mate.
