Sunday 9 March 2014

Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary

I was really looking forward to seeing a Tasmania Devil in Tasmania. I had seen one at the Canberra Zoo, but seeing one in Tasmania was more exciting. The wildlife sanctuary had animals which had been rescued and injured.

The Tasmanian Devil is the worlds largest carnivorous marsupial. They are not hunters, preferring to scavenge for their food. It is extinct on the mainland and lives only in Tasmania. A female gives birth to 20 - 40 young once per year, but only 4 can reach the pouch to survive. A baby devil is called a joey.

This little devil is having a yawn and you could see all his teeth. He’s so cute. I read a book which said their ears go red when feeding. I asked the Ranger to check if that was right, and it was.

A healthy sleepy Koala. They aren’t bears but are closely related to the Wombat family.

I think this was Jacobs first feel of a Koala. Everyone got to have a feel of his fur.

Jacob feeding a smaller Kangaroo. Jacob said it’s teeth tickled his hand.

This Kangaroo was comfortable holding onto my hand and eating the food I was holding. He was very gentle and didn’t scratch me with his claws.

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