Sunday 16 March 2014

Platypus House

We are now staying at a park that has wild Wombats that come out at night to feed. One even decided to graze under the van.

Today, we did a tour at Platypus House. They also have Echidnas, so I think they should call it Monotreme House. This is Jacob and I touching some specimens they showed us before the film.

One of the models showing great details.

We got to view the Platypuses feeding in the tanks. I was right up in front, very close, so I got to see lots of detail. He is eating a worm.

Another one dived to the bottom to get the worm. They move very quickly. We camped at a river a few days ago and got to see one in the wild. It was really nice watcing him for a few days swim past us.

The jar I'm holding has three Platypus eggs in it.

Next was the tour of the Echidnas. We also got to see them feeding on a mixture of ants, fly lava and baby rice cereal. I was sitting on the floor right next to him.

They have an open enclosure and can walk around you.  We had to stand still so we didn't stand on them. One came up and sniffed at Dad.

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