Tuesday 27 May 2014


We have arrived in Broome. It’s so hot but the caravan park has a fantastic pool. We also have a friendly Tawny Frogmouth in the tree above my window. One of my favourite places was to see the dinosaur footprints in the sandstone.

Jacob, Dad and I walking to see the footprints on the rock cliff. On the way we saw a Sea Eagle feed fish to her young chick.

Beautiful colours in the eroded sandstone rocks.

Jacob and I imagining the dinosaurs walking here 120 million years ago. 20 species have been identified, but these ones here are replicas.

You need to climb down the cliff to see the real ones and only at low tide. It’s a great view here and we are enjoying looking at all the different rocks.

Jacob is telling us his hypothesis about this rock being once hot molten rock.

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