Saturday 24 May 2014

Port Headland

Port Headland was a quick stop. We had planned to do a salt mine tour but they don’t run it anymore. We also planned to do the BHP Billiton iron ore tour also but you need to be 7 and over. We plan to come back when Jacob older to do it then.

Here we are in front of the massive mining trucks.

You can still see the machines working at the mines so we had a look from the outside.

Here you can view the salt pans and the mining equipment. Huge piles of salt.

We watched them load the salt onto the road train from the viewing platform. Unfortunately, there wasn’t an information board to say where the salt goes and what it is used for.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joshua, I really like this photo, it makes me have a chuckle because you all look tiny compared to the mining truck. One of those would be good for bad traffic days in the city!
