Wednesday 21 May 2014


Here we are in Exmouth, it’s very hot. Most of the National Park camping places we were going to stay in are closed due to the bad floods they had a few weeks ago. So we ended staying at the caravan park this time.

Quick stop to view one of the large Termitariums before arriving at Exmouth. There was a section exposed to look inside. Jacob was fascinated with it as he hadn’t seen a real one before.

This is the exposed section showing the chambers inside. This system of tunnels serve as a ventilation system for the underground nest. The mound is built above the nest to keep it cooler on hot days.

This is the beautiful Turquoise Bay in the Cape Range National Park. It has to be the bluest water I’ve ever swam in.

Me swimming with Dad and Jacob. The sun was very hot but the water temperature was just perfect.

Morning tea on the back of the ute after our swim.

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