Tuesday 27 May 2014


We have arrived in Broome. It’s so hot but the caravan park has a fantastic pool. We also have a friendly Tawny Frogmouth in the tree above my window. One of my favourite places was to see the dinosaur footprints in the sandstone.

Jacob, Dad and I walking to see the footprints on the rock cliff. On the way we saw a Sea Eagle feed fish to her young chick.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Port Headland

Port Headland was a quick stop. We had planned to do a salt mine tour but they don’t run it anymore. We also planned to do the BHP Billiton iron ore tour also but you need to be 7 and over. We plan to come back when Jacob older to do it then.

Here we are in front of the massive mining trucks.

Friday 23 May 2014

Karatha Coconuts

Today we went searching for coconuts. Jacob hasn’t tasted one before or cracked a fresh one from a tree. It was lots of fun.

Dad, Jacob and I found some coconut palms along the beach.

Karatha Petroglyths

The Pilbara Coast is known for it’s mining of natural gas, salt and iron ore. It’s also home to thousands of Aboriginal rock carvings called petroglyths. The petroglyths are estimated to be over 300,000 years old.

Everywhere you look you see ancient weathered rocky landscapes. The rocks are more than 600 million years old. The rocks have weathered and cracked to form a unique landscape.

Karatha Mud Skippers

We are at Karatha on the Pilbara Coast. We got to see Aboriginal petroglyths, a natural gas plant and we also searched for Mudskippers in the mangroves.

Dad, Jacob and I at Hearsons Cove searching around the mangroves for Mudskippers. I have been fascinated with Mudskippers since I was 2, when I first saw them in Darwin.

Wednesday 21 May 2014


Here we are in Exmouth, it’s very hot. Most of the National Park camping places we were going to stay in are closed due to the bad floods they had a few weeks ago. So we ended staying at the caravan park this time.

Quick stop to view one of the large Termitariums before arriving at Exmouth. There was a section exposed to look inside. Jacob was fascinated with it as he hadn’t seen a real one before.

Sunday 18 May 2014

New Beach

We have moved on from Shark Bay and are heading towards Exmouth. Here we stopped for an overnight stay at a free camp called New Beach. We loved it so much we stayed for an extra night.

We camped 20m from this beautiful waveless and crystal clear beach. We could walk 100m out in the water and it was still only knee high. I found 6 large vertebrae bones in the water right here where I am standing.